Call for Application for Admissions into 2019/2020 Academic Session
The Institute of Ecumenical College of Education Enugu wish to invite qualified candidates for admission to run a three year NCE program in the Schools of Arts and Social Sciences, Sciences, Languages and Education after which they proceed to Godfrey Okoye University to run a two year degree program in any course of their choice.
IEcE Official Courses offered for 2019/2020 Academic Session:
1. Adult and Non-Formal Education
2. Agricultural Science
3. Biology / Chemistry
4. Biology / Integrated Science
5. Biology / Physics
6. Business Education
7. Chemistry / Integrated Science
8. Chemistry / Mathematics
9. Chemistry / Physics
10. Christian Religious Studies / Economics
11. Christian Religious Studies / English
12. Christian Religious Studies / Political Science
13. Christians Religion Studies / Igbo
14. Christians Religion Studies / Social Studies
15. Computer / Biology
16. Computer / Economics
17. Computer / Mathematics
18. Computer / Physics
19. Economics / English
20. Economics / Igbo
21. Economics / Mathematics
22. Economics / Political Science
23. Economics / Social Studies
24. English / Igbo
25. English / Political Science
26. English / Social Studies
27. Integrated Science / Economics
28. Integrated Science / Mathematics Education
29. Political Science / Mathematics
30. Political Science / Social Studies
31. Political Science / English
32. Primary Education Studies
Should you need more information before applying,
please e-mail: admissions@ieceenugu.edu.ng
or call +234-907 826 6453
Click below to Start Application
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